New Delhi: While speaking to media on Nirav Modi's arrest in London, senior Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury said, "Enforcement Directorate works when the elections are on. Nirav Modi arrested, Mehul Choksi absconded but there is a national campaign now X 'Chowkidar' Y 'Chowkidar', When there are so many 'Chowkidars' in this country how come these people left. I would suggest that remove this 'chowkidar' from your name because you are not even like Chowkidar".
How did Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi give slip to so many 'Chowkidars': Renuka Chowdhury
Taking a dig at PM Modi's 'Main Bhi Chowkidar' campaign, Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury said that if the country has so many 'chowkidars', how did people like Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi manage to leave the country.
Renuka Chowdhury