New Delhi: After Supreme Court reserved its order on Ayodhya matter, senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid on Wednesday said that he hopes the decision will bring people of India closer together rather than pulling them apart.
While speaking to reporters, former Union Minister Khurshid said: "Yes, it has been very interesting, the way in which Supreme Court has worked virtually racing against time. This is because Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi, will retire in November and the constitutional bench will have to pronounce order before CJI gets retired."
Stressing that every party in the case has to respect the decision taken by the top court, he said: "This is a far-reaching a matter that has a deep impact on how will we see India shape up in times to come and that decision will have to be a decision to be respected by all. I hope the decision will bring people of India closer together rather than pull them apart."