New Delhi: Healthcare workers at several central and city government hospitals sported black armbands on Friday to protest the government's decision to end the need for their quarantine after COVID-19 duty unless there has been any form of high-risk exposure.
Several hospitals in the last few days have asked their healthcare workers staying in hotels during the quarantine period to vacate rooms immediately failing which the charges paid for their overstay would be deducted from their salaries.
As per the Union health ministry guidelines issued on May 15, healthcare workers serving in COVID-19 areas do not need to undergo quarantine unless there has been violation in the use of PPE or any other form of high-risk exposure or they have symptoms suggestive of coronavirus infection.
However, healthcare workers on the frontline have raised objections to the new guidelines.
The Federation of Resident Doctors' Association (FORDA) has called for the black ribbon protest to demand proper quarantine and testing for all healthcare workers on COVID-19 duty.
The FORDA had also written to Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan seeking a revision of the guidelines stating the virus has an incubation period of 2-14 days following exposure and there are multiple instances of doctors testing positive for the disease following a second test or subsequently after that.
"Under the current situation, at least 7-day quarantine, along with adequate testing of all doctors, after COVID-19 duty is necessary in order to prevent spread of infection among colleagues and their family members," FORDA president Dr Shivaji Dev Barman said.
"So far there has been no response from the authorities," Dr Barman said.?
Delhi's Lady Hardinge Medical College had issued a circular on Thursday stating hotel facility during post-duty period days in COVID and suspected COVID zones provided to healthcare workers is hereby withdrawn and "the occupants are directed to please vacate their rooms immediately."
"If any overstay is noticed, charges paid for the overstay will have to be recovered from their salaries," the circular said.