New Delhi:Delhi High Court on Friday said that it would hear on January 28 the plea filed before it challenging the Delhi government's free pilgrimage scheme.
The plea, filed by BJP's legal cell convenor Rajesh Kumar, challenged the "arbitrary collection and scrutiny of applications by Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) agent" and the "mandatory requirements of only voter ID" and a "certificate from the MLA."
The petitioner approached the court seeking quashing of the policy guidelines and direction to the government to frame non-discriminatory guidelines and invite fresh applications for the scheme.
The plea claimed that the guidelines have been made only to further the agenda and campaign of AAP at the expense of public funds.
"The government has deliberately not provided any address for submission of application forms by the citizen. Hence, the only way to submit form is through AAP's local agent. There is no process of giving the acknowledgement for the receipt of applications," the plea said.