New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has restrained a company from using mark 'Devtol' for manufacturing and selling hand sanitisers saying it infringes the trademark and logo of well-known antiseptic 'Dettol'.
Justice Rajiv Shakdher, who conducted the hearing through video conferencing, also imposed a cost of Rs 1 lakh on the manufacturer of 'Devtol' hand sanitisers and directed that the amount be deposited to the Juvenile Justice Fund within a week.
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The order came on a suit by Reckitt Benckiser (India) Pvt Ltd seeking a permanent injunction against Mohit Petrochemicals Pvt Ltd for selling hand sanitisers under the brand name 'Devtol'.
To be noted, the plaintiff (Reckitt Benckiser) is a manufacturer of a well-known antiseptic which is sold under the registered trademark and logo 'Dettol'. The plaintiff has approached this court seeking various reliefs against the infringing mark and logo, that is, 'Devtol', the judge said.