New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday dismissed the plea for emergency parole of Vishal Yadav who is serving life term for killing business executive Nitish Katara in 2002. Justice V K Rao, via video conferencing, pronounced the order dismissing Yadav's plea.
Delhi government additional standing counsel Rajesh Mahajan confirmed that Yadav's plea was rejected. The detailed order giving reasons for the same is awaited.
Yadav had sought eight weeks emergency parole on the ground that he could get infected by COVID-19 or TB due to overcrowding and poor sanitation in the prison.
He had moved a similar plea in April which was disposed of on May 2 by the high court. The court asked the 'competent authority', which under the prison rules is the Lt Governor, to treat the petition as a representation and take a decision within 15 days.
On May 16, the competent authority rejected Yadav's plea for parole on the ground that he has been awarded 25 years imprisonment without any remission, and against that order he moved the high court.
Yadav also sought quashing of the May 16 order. He contended that the number of coronavirus cases was increasing at a high rate and there was a risk of infection to him inside the prison, especially since he had been a tuberculosis (TB) patient in the past.