Hyderabad: In the ongoing pan-India drive against the use of fake GST invoices, tax officials Friday arrested eight more offenders, taking the total number of arrests to 104 within three-weeks of the launch. The crackdown has seen arrests of several masterminds and kingpins, including the son of a powerful Maharashtra MLA whose bail plea was rejected by a Mumbai Court on Thursday. GST officials Friday conducted raids in 38 cities across the country, filed 65 fresh cases and busted 114 bogus entities having GST registration, ETV Bharat has learnt.
With the arrest of 8 more persons on Friday, officials of the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) have so far arrested a total 104 people in one of the biggest drive against tax evaders, booked 1,161 cases against 3,479 bogus entities having GST registration that were involved in illegally claiming input tax credit and circular trading under the GST.
Mumbai kingpin fails to secure bail
According to official sources, the nationwide drive against GST frauds has resulted in arrest of some bigwigs such as Mumbai businessman Sunil Ranakar Gutte who is managing director of Sunil Hi-tech and son of Maharashtra MLA Ratnakar Gutte.
Sunil’s father Ratnakar Gutte is a sugar baron and MLA from Gangakhed assembly seat in Maharashtra. His brother Vijay Gutte directed the movie The Accidental Prime Minister based on the life of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.
According to officials, Sunil Gutte, who along with his business associate Vijendra Ranka, is accused of committing a Rs 520 crore GST fraud, made frantic attempts to secure bail after he landed in the net of DGGI officials.
High Drama in Mumbai Court
According to sources, Sunil Gutte hired legal bigwigs to secure his bail and fought pitched legal battles against the department in two Mumbai courts.
Gutte filed his first bail application at ACCM Court but surprisingly withdrew the application without pleading his case despite the fact that the counsels of DGGI Mumbai had already filed their counter.