New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Thursday agreed to hear the plea of a businessman, arrested by the CBI along with a DRI Additional Director General in a Rs 3 crore bribery case, challenging a trial court order to provide password of his seized phone to the agency.
The plea was mentioned before a bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar which allowed it to be listed for hearing during the day.
The lawyers appearing for petitioner Rajesh Dhanda told the high court that a CBI court on Wednesday directed him to provide the password of his phone after which the agency on the same day issued them a notice to appear before it on Thursday at 1 pm.
The petition has challenged the trial court order and the CBI notice.
Dhanda was arrested on January 1 by the CBI along with Chander Shekhar, then Additional Director General, DRI, of Ludhiana in connection with the case.