New Delhi: In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, the Director-General (DG) of Shipping Amitabh Kumar said that the matter to bring back the Indian seafarers stuck at the overseas port is being discussed, however, it is expecting that some guidelines for foreign ports would come up soon.
"The demand is to evacuate them through chartered flights. SOP for chartered flights has already been approved and we expect that it would start very soon. The people who are onboard ships at different ports have to be brought on chartered flights. Some we expect will come using sea routes for which voyages are being prepared and the remaining will have to come by chartered flights for which discussion is underway with the government," he said.
Kumar reiterated that around 600-700 crew have already reached via ship and were unloaded in India, but the problem is with those who need to undertake international flights. Once the chartered flights are allowed to operate, these Indian seafarers will be able to reach. Whereas, the majority of them has started planning their voyage from different places.
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"Discussions are going on amongst the International shipping trade bodies and International Maritime Organization as to how to design an international SOP which would allow movement of the crew in the present situation. Once they come up with the draft, they will circulate to other countries. To evacuate seafarers from foreign ports requires cooperation amidst all the countries. International efforts are underway", Kumar told ETV Bharat.
Underlining that the cruise industry will suffer due to the pandemic, DG Kumar said, "Some sectors of shipping are suffering but the cruise industry is very badly affected. There are many sub-sectors in shipping and we have to analyze how the tanker industry will perform or chemical tanker industry will perform but one thing is very clear that cruise ships are going to suffer. That is the indication so far. We have to plan our strategies accordingly."