New Delhi:Google services like Gmail, Youtube and drive were abruptly down on Monday evening and it has affected the users worldwide. When users accessed the page, they are treated with messages that pages cannot be accessed. However, Google is yet to acknowledge this issue.
Google's gmail, Youtube and drive services down Google's gmail, Youtube and drive services down Meanwhile. hashtags like Youtubedown, googledown is trending on Twitter. Users have experienced outrage in UK, India, Japan. Most of them have taken to Twitter to express their outrage.
The Youtube acknowledged the issue and wrote on Twitter, "We are aware that many of you are having issues accessing YouTube right now – our team is aware and looking into it. We'll update you here as soon as we have more news."
Netizens posted memes after google services were affected across the globe. The outrage caused the apps and smart devices to become temporarily inaccessible.
However, Gmail and Youtube have started functioning but messaging service Hangouts still remains unavailable.