Bengaluru: Karnataka's medical education minister Dr. K Sudhakar asserted that there was no corruption in any of the procurements made during the pandemic. Responding to the allegations of irregularities in the procurement of equipment during Covid-19, Dr. Sudhakar said that there was no deviation of funds or corruption.
"So, where is the question of ordering a probe? The state government rejects all allegations made by the Opposition," the Minister said.
According to Sudhakar, ventilators procured by the Tamil Nadu government are transport ventilators used in ambulances. "Hence, it is not correct to compare our ventilators with those in Tamil Nadu. Ventilators of different specifications and quality are available for different prices; one should not get confused with different prices," he maintained.
“So far, 15 departments have incurred expenditure related to Covid-19. Till date, they have spent Rs. 4,200 crore. Of this, the health department has spent Rs. 1,442 crore,” Sudhakar said in his two-hour-long response at the State legislative assembly meeting on Wednesday.