Panaji: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, when the former is reported to have pitched Goa's case in the ongoing inter-state dispute with Karnataka over Mhadei river water, is a pre-Zilla Panchayat election jumla, the Congress in Goa alleged on Friday.
Speaking with reporters in Panaji on Friday, state Congress president Girish Chodankar also dared PM Modi to make a public statement on his assurance given to Sawant to protect the coastal state's interests in the ongoing dispute with Karnataka.
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"This is another jumla to woo voters for the forthcoming Zilla Panchayat (ZP) elections. The art of fooling people is mastered by the BJP, and the visit of the Chief Minister to Delhi is part of the same," Chodankar told reporters in Panaji.
"PM Modi must make a public statement on his assurance of protecting Goa's interest on Mhadei and resumption of Mining in Goa, as claimed by our CM," Chodankar also said. Elections to 50 ZP constituencies are scheduled for March 22.
On Thursday, after meeting Modi, Sawant had said, that he had discussed the ongoing Mhadei issue, mining resumption, construction of the Mopa international airport and the upcoming Zilla Panchayat elections with the Prime Minister.
"The Prime Minister has assured his continued support and co-operation for Goa's cause," Sawant had tweeted after his meeting.