New Delhi:Hitting out at Congress President Rahul Gandhi, Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao on Saturday said that the the press conference held by the Congress president at the party headquarters today was a valiant attempt to show that he is still in the race.
"We certainly see a complete desperation on the part of the Congress party. Because Congress is seeing not only their fortunes crumbling all over India, but they can also see the 'so-called' bastions of Amethi and Raebareli crumbling today," the BJP spokesperson said.
"Field reports suggest that Rahul Gandhi is losing Amethi by a very wide margin," he added.
Alleging that the Congress party was resorting to unfair practices to woo voters, BJP also threw a serious allegation on the oppoasition party saying that that a sizeable amount of weapon have been seized in Amethi and Raebareli.
Terming Congress president Rahul Gandhi's attacks on Prime Minister an outcome of frustration, Rao also said that the party was making false claims on surgical strikes.
Rao said that Congress leaders are making frivolous claims of having conducted surgical strikes during their tenure but before September 29, 2016 there is no record of such strikes and it was also stated by the Army Director General Military Operations in an RTI reply.
Saying that the Congress might have conducted such strikes in video games, he alleged that the party was more interested in maximum corruption rather that minimum wage.
Congress president on Saturday said his party's internal assessment after four phases of polling shows that the BJP will lose in the Lok Sabha elections and he sees a "scared prime minister" unable to face the onslaught of the opposition.
Also read: PM Modi is insulting Indian army: Rahul Gandhi