New Delhi:In a first, some Lok Sabha members attended the House proceedings on Monday while seated in the Rajya Sabha chamber as Parliament met for the Monsoon session amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaker Om Birla said in Lok Sabha that rules and procedures have been eased to allow Lok Sabha members sit in the upper house and Rajya Sabha members occupy seats in lower house due to social distancing norms.
Meanwhile, in a first-of-its-kind initiative, MPs register their attendance using the 'Attendance Register' App in Parliament.
While Lok Sabha is meeting between 9 am and 1 pm on Monday, Rajya Sabha will assemble between 3 pm and 7 pm. Tuesday onwards, Rajya Sabha will meet in the morning and Lok Sabha in the afternoon.
He said as part of the procedures, the chambers of the two Houses and the galleries where members are seated will be considered as part of Lok Sabha when the House proceedings are on.
He said this is perhaps for the first time that such an arrangement had been put in place.
Birla said members do not have to stand while speaking as part of the new procedures put in place to contain the spread of coronavirus. In a lighter vein, he said some may find it difficult to speak while sitting.
While nearly 200 members were present in the Lok Sabha chamber, a little over 50 were seated in the visitors' gallery located above the main chamber.
When the House met at 9 am, the number of members present was less. But the numbers went up when the House reassembled at around 10.20 am after a one hour adjournment after paying tributes to former president Pranab Mukherjee, a sitting MP and 13 former members who died in the recent past.
Unlike in the past, there were no opposition protests in the Well of the House, which is otherwise a usual occurrence on day one of the session as soon as the House assembles.