Modi's comments came after party president Rahul Gandhi recently upped the ante on the Rafale row by quoting a media report saying the PMO conducted "parallel" negotiations on the deal.
"From the seas to the skies, the Congress has several scams associated with the defence and in the process the party did not allow the modernisation of defence forces for long years that they were in power," Modi said.
Addressing a party rally at Perumanallur about 13 km from here, he said the NDA's work culture was different from that of the previous governments.
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Targeting the Congress, he said "those who had got opportunity to rule the nation for years did not bother about India's defence sector. For them this sector was only about
brokering deals and helping their own set of friends." "The NDA's approach to national security is different," he said and outlined that it was the dream of his government that India be self-sufficient in defence production and where "our forces have all possible support they require in keeping
our nation safe."
He referred to the "pathbreaking" step of creating two defence corridors one of which is in Tamil Nadu. He said a defence corridor will bring industry and investment options and opportunities for the State's youth.
On the opposition attack on him, the Prime Minister said their "political culture of abusing Modi may give them some space in television but the elections are fought on ones vision for the nation, not slander and attack."
The good work of the NDA government has made some people very unhappy and their unhappiness has turned into desperation and abuse for Modi, he said.
Remembering Congress stalwart and former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, the late K Kamaraj, he said the "great" leader always wanted a government in power which has
zero tolerance towards corruption.
"You have placed a government in Delhi who is putting a lock on corruption," Modi said. He recalled the NDA government had brought a legislation for providing 10 per cent reservation for the
poor in the general category and this was done without altering the existing reservation system in the country.