New Delhi: On a request from the Culture Ministry, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry has set up an FM radio transmitter on 103.7 MHZ frequency at Baltal, on the Amarnath route.
A studio facility has been set up at Baltal Base Camp, a program executive has been deployed and "Amarnath Yatra" program is being generated from Baltal base camp.
The Pahalgam transmitter is also tuned to Baltal.
All India Radio (AIR) is transmitting regular services on crowd management, weather, health and other alerts; devotional music is being provided by Ministry of Culture.
The same program "AmarnathYatra" is made available on Delhi AIR service through the dedicated leased line and is also available through DTH service all over the country.
People can receive the program through DD free dish service.
The special transmission will be broadcast on All India Radio "AmarnathYatra" service from 7 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. will provide information to the pilgrims with regard to weather, security and other related arrangements daily till completion of the Yatra.