New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Monday said repatriation flights from several countries have already arrived and he was looking forward to organising more, responding to Maharashtra minister Aaditya Thackeray's appeal to bring back people of the state stranded abroad.
Jaishankar said he appreciated the cooperation of the Maharashtra government in making necessary arrangements to bring back residents of the state stuck in other countries due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Thackeray wrote to Jaishankar on Saturday, asking him to assist stranded Maharashtra residents return home in a phased manner but at the earliest.
In his response, Jaishankar said planes from countries, including the UK and the US, have already come and he was looking forward to organising further flights.
"Glad to facilitate return of Maharashtra residents from abroad. Planes from UK, US, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Phillipines, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Oman have already come," he said in a tweet, tagging Thackeray's letter.