New Delhi: Even as the Lok Sabha passed two of the contentious agriculture reforms bill, the Congress on Thursday upped its ante against the Narendra Modi government over the issue, terming it a conspiracy to defeat the Green Revolution.
Slamming the government, Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi said: "This government has been eyeing, how they can take the farmers' land to benefit their capitalist friends, whether is the Land Acquisition Act, whether in the industrial system through weakening the labour courts and now this three-pronged attack on the Indian agricultural system through the two bills on farming - one related to APMC, the other one is related to contract farming and the third bill which is on essential commodities... a three-pronged attack on the Indian farmers."
Noting the government says that this is a boon for farmers, he said, "Are farmers of India foolish that they don't understand the bill. If this bill was in the benefit of Indian farmers, why are the farmers are out on the streets? Why are the farmers in Haryana being beaten by the police?"
Targeting the government, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said that the Modi government is akin to COVID-19 pandemic as it is attacking lives and livelihoods of farmers.
"It is attacking farmers and farm labourers and was bartering agriculture at the doorsteps of crony capitalists," he said.
Also Read:Passage of agrarian reform bills in Lok Sabha will free farmers from middlemen, obstacles: PM Modi
"The draconian laws on agriculture will be a death knell for the future of farming in India," he said, alleging that the BJP-led government is hell-bent upon destroying the farmer and was bartering the agriculture at the altar of a handful of crony capitalists.
Surjewala also claimed that 62 crore farmers and farm labourers have been agitating across India and over 250 farmers organisations are sitting on protest, on hunger strikes and are demonstrating across the length and breadth of India.