New Delhi: Two days after the Supreme Court asked the CBI to take over Sushant Singh Rajput's death case, Rashtriya Janata Dal, MP, Ram Kripal Yadav on Friday said that after the agency's probe into the matter everything will be clear.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Yadav said, "The CBI team has reached Mumbai and also has started the investigation. Now everything will be cleared and the truth will come out soon. Officers from the special investigation team and a forensic expert will visit the crime scene which is Sushant’s residence in Mumbai where he was found dead. The SIT will recapture the crime scene."
"Before the death of Sushant, his manager Disha committed suicide and both the cases are related to each other. I think in these incidents an attempt has been made to destroy the evidence. The Maharashtra government and Mumbai police want to save some eminent personalities. It is more than 60 days but no F.I.R has been registered. Now everything will be cleared in the CBI investigation," he said.