New Delhi:Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, while speaking on the problem faced by the sugarcane industry at the BioEnergy Summit 2019 today, said that there are 180 Lok Sabha seats in the country where it is difficult to win if sugarcane money is not available.
Nitin Gadkari said, "Most of the sugar mills of the country are closed. Condition of these sugar mills is such that they are not getting finances. I want to proceed for a Cabinet note. He requested the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to prepare a model to allow them to set up a 5 to 7-acre plant in sugar mills which also produce ethanol."
Gadkari said there was an agreement with multilateral banks like KfW for low-cost funds green energy.
He said ethanol production through sugar could boost the economy of sugarcane-producing states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Punjab and Haryana.