Bengaluru: A day after the Enforcement Directorate arrested Bineesh Kodiyeri, the son of Kerala CPI(M) leader Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, the ED said on Friday that he allegedly credited "huge amount of unaccounted funds" to the bank accounts of a drug peddler.
Bineesh was arrested by the central probe agency under the anti-money laundering law in Bengaluru on Thursday following which a local court sent him to Enforcement Directorate custody till November 2. The ED alleged that the "drug peddler" in this case, Mohammed Anoop, was a 'benamidar' of Bineesh.Benamidar is a person in whose name the benami property is held or transferred, and a beneficial owner of the person for whose benefit the property is being held by the benamidar.
Anoop was also arrested by the ED on October 17 in this case. The ED probe stemmed from a Narcotics Control Bureau investigation that claimed to have busted an ecstasy pills drug trafficking racket in Karnataka in August along with the arrest of Anoop and two others.
Read:Enforcement Directorate arrests Bineesh Kodiyeri in drugs case
The ED issued a statement and claimed that Anoop, during his custodial interrogation, admitted that he was indulging in sale and purchase of narcotics drugs and was closely associated with Bineesh Kodiyeri.