New Delhi:Rajya Sabha MP KTS Tulsi on Saturday said that he does not agree with Indira Jaising's remark, in which she spoke against death penalty and suggested to Nirbhaya's mother to forgive the convicts, and said that people of such "derived character" do not deserve to live.
"Indian has managed to balance having the death penalty by having rarely used it. In the last 17 years, only four executions have taken place.However, this is a case where barbarity and brutality took place," said Tulsi, a senior advocate.
"I don't think people of such deprived character deserve to live and we need to make an example of this," the Congress leader said.
Yesterday, Indira Jaising, through a tweet, had urged Nirbhaya's mother to forgive the perpetrators and had used the example of Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi, who had forgiven Nalini, one of the convicts who was given the death penalty by the courts.
BJP leader Shazia Ilmi said that there is "nothing more painful and shameful than Jaising's statement".
"We all remember how people had gathered after the incident. People were waiting for the execution. Nothing can be more painful and shamefu than the statement of Indira Jaising. This must also be painful Asha Devi, who is struggling hard to get justice for her daughter," Ilmi said.
ALSO READ:Who is Indira Jaising to suggest that I forgive my daughter's rapists: Nirbhaya's mother