Leh (Ladakh): Domestic flight operations have resumed at Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Ladakh's Leh district on Monday, in the fourth phase of the lockdown. Sonam Nurboo, the Airport Director informed that arrangements for the operation of flights were made as per the government health guidelines, and necessary precautionary measures have been ensured.
People at the airport were seen maintaining social distancing. While thermal screening of passengers was also done by authorities. "As per directions from the headquarters and in coordination with local administration we had been making preparations for the past few days. We had received directions that on the resumption of domestic flights from Monday, there will be a possibility to operate one to two flights from here as well," Nurboo added.
"Finally, five days back, we got the confirmation that Spice Jet and Air India will operate flights from May 25, so accordingly arrangements were made. Yesterday, local administration also conducted inspection regarding the fulfilment of guidelines," added Nurboo. "Passengers have to come after check-in, but there were a few who couldn't, so we facilitated them," he informed.