Mumbai (Maharashtra): According to the preliminary investigation after post-mortem, it has been cleared that TV actor turned Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput had committed suicide. The medical documents found at his residence revealed that Sushant was battling hypertension and mental stress and was also undergoing treatment. However, it has been observed that he was not taking any medicine prescribed by the doctor. It is to be noted that Sushant had sufficient bank balance and was not under any financial crisis.
Police to record statements:
Bollywood’s young and dynamic actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide at his Bandra residence on Sunday. The sudden demise of the actor came as a shock to Bollywood actors and his fans.
Police have recorded the statements of the two cooks and a creative manager who were present at his house when the actor committed suicide.
Read:|Sushant Singh Rajput, jovial person with starry eyes...
Statement of the doctor whose prescriptions were found at Sushant’s residence has also been recorded.
The statement of Sushant's former girlfriend, Ankita Lokhande will also be recorded. Meanwhile, the police are going to inquire about all those we were in his contact in the last 24 hours before he committed suicide.