New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday extended till August 11 the period for giving suggestions to the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of 2020, which provides for post facto approval of projects and does away with public consultation in some cases.
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan passed the order after the Environment Ministry did not address the court's query regarding "ambiguity" in its decision extending time till June 30 for giving objections and suggestions to its draft EIA 2020.
The bench said it was "surprised" by "obstinacy" of the Centre with regard to not addressing the "ambiguity".
Referring to the reply filed by the Environment Ministry, the bench said, "There is not a word (in the affidavit) on the ambiguity. Your reply is silent on the main point. We are, frankly, a little surprised at the obstinacy of the central government. The government is being obdurate in this matter".