Patna (Bihar): As the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) has alleged influencing the counting of votes in the Bihar Assembly elections by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state president Sanjay Jaiswal on Wednesday said that deceived by RJD, the public supported the truth.
"They (RJD) have deceived the public, still the public supported truth. Hence RJD is worried," said Jaiswal.
"When ballots used to be there, RJD's leaders used to loot the booths due which they were in power for 15 years. Now they are not able to accept the election procedure which is being held in a correct manner. They are spreading lies among the public," he added.
Jaiswal's statement came after a delegation of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Congress reached the Election Commission office in Patna on Tuesday night to raise the issue of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar allegedly influencing the counting of votes.