Dharamsala (Himachal Pradesh): In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), also known as Tibetan government-in-exile, on Monday announced to dedicate this year as 'Year of Gratitude' to mark the 85th their birth anniversary of their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, revered as a 'living god'.
Virtual teachings, it said, offer solace, hope, and blessing for thousands around the globe.
"We urge Tibetans and our friends around the globe to initiate and take part in activities in their capacities to create awareness about the life and four commitments of His Holiness," the CTA led by Lobsang Sangay said in a statement.
"The world today is going through a traumatic experience, around the globe, more than half a million people have lost their lives due to the pandemic. Taking this opportunity, we offer our prayers and solidarity to all the nations and individuals affected by COVID-19," it said.
"As the number of cases surges in India, we urge the public to take the necessary precautions to keep one another safe. In these uncertain times, His Holiness' virtual teachings offer solace, hope, and blessing for thousands around the globe. His teachings call for the oneness of humanity, and for kindness and compassion to be the guiding values of everyday life," said the CTA, headquartered in this northern Indian hill station, said in a statement.
Taking this opportunity, it said, "We thank every individual, organisation, and government who has supported the initiatives of His Holiness and joined us in the just cause of Tibet."
Read:|Dalai Lama's 85th birthday: Great guru and master for mankind says Ram Madhav
"Tibetans acknowledge with deep gratitude the debt we owe to His Holiness, the greatest of all the Dalai Lamas. We proudly celebrate his life and legacies. We pray for the day when Tibetans in Tibet will get to seek His Holiness' blessing and teaching from his seat in the Potala Palace in the Land of Snow. May His Holiness' light continue to shine upon us."
Tens of thousands of Tibetans settled across the globe virtually celebrated the 85th birthday of the Dalai Lama.
In March 1959, His Holiness had to leave his homeland as a final resort to seek freedom for his people. From the first day, he stepped into a life in exile, His Holiness has worked to protect his people, lead a political movement, and preserve the unique cultural identity of Tibet, said the CTA.
"When Tibetans look at our recent past, we remember our great loss but this loss has been bearable, indeed it contains the possibility for a future because of His Holiness. His Holiness has softened the blunt break in our lives and has helped reshape our suffering into something that can contain hope. Tibetans exist as proud Tibetans even under conditions of continued dispossession because of His Holiness."