New Delhi: At a time when the Central government has chalked out a prioritising strategy for the distribution of Covid-19 vaccine, senior health expert and head of community medicine at Delhi's Maulana Azad Medical College Dr Suneela Garg told ETV Bharat in an exclusive interview on Thursday that by late 2022 or early 2023, each and every individual in the country is likely to get the vaccine.
"Each individual needs two doses of the vaccine. If we go in a methodical manner, our cold storage and supply chain facilities, it is expected that by late 2022 or 2023 each and every citizen of India will get the Covid-19 vaccine. However, it also depends on the vaccine manufacturer who will supply vaccine," said Dr Garg, who is also an adviser to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII) which is manufacturing Oxford vaccine candidate had recently said that it will take almost 2-3 years for every Indian to get the vaccine.
The central government has already chalked out a blueprint on priority basis for the distribution of Covid19 vaccine among the citizens. Accordingly, front line health workers will get the first shot followed by police personnel and sanitation workers and then those above 50 years of age.
The person with co-morbidities will be vaccinated subsequently.
"India with a population of 137 crore people, if we talk about vaccinating the 80 per cent of people (excluding children less than 14 years of age) of different population groups, there will be around 25 percent of individual who will be having antibodies. They will not come under immediate priority. However, keeping into consideration about procurement of the vaccine, there will be a huge task to be done," said Dr Garg.
She said that private players will definitely play a big role in the entire procurement and vaccination process.