Panaji: While the entire country is facing the peril of deadly coronavirus spread, Goa state has set an example. There were 7 Corona affected patients but all of them have been totally recovered from the deadly disease of COVID-19 and now they have been discharged.
The state has become corona free due to effective measures taken by the state government and relentless work by the medical staff.
As the news started to pour in about coronavirus spread throughout the world, Goa administration geared up to eliminate Corona under the guidance of chief minister. State health minister Vishwajeet Rane was constantly taking updates about the situation from GOMACO’s dean Dr Shivanand Bandekar, director of health Dr Jyo Disa and food and drugs officials.
While implementing measures, an awareness campaign was also launched in state-run public undertakings.
Screening of international and national tourists was initiated on the airport itself. So, the number of people with home quarantine increased. Because of strict screening, it was possible to trace Corona positive patients in real-time and treat them successfully, which helped to control the spread.
Goa CM Pramod Sawant who himself is a doctor by profession, went to Azilo hospital in Mapusa to check up the patients on his birthday. His act motivated medical staff and checking up patients, he sensitized them about the doctors treating them. State health minister Rane has thanked FDA officials, medical officials and other staff for their relentless work in this period.
Following are the measures implemented by Goa government to fight against COVID-19
24 hours helpline
With a helpline number 104, the Goa government was the first in the country to make available COVID-19 (917948058218) Whatsapp number. Test Yourself Goa app with the collaboration of Innoveser company in San Francisco in the US was also made available to the citizens free of cost.
Forceful implementation of curfew
When Corona virus spread was prevalent in the state, there was Holi festival and also campaigning for the district Panchayat elections was in full force. But, the government immediately banned the gathering of people and public programmes were prohibited. The elections were also postponed.
Extension of Janata curfew
Prime minister Narendra Modi declared Janata curfew on 22 March. It got an overwhelming response in the state and the local government also extended it for the next three days. On 24th March, prime minister extended lockdown until 14 th April. When PM took an assessment of the situation, the Goa government in its written report recommended extension of lockdown.
Strict checking on borders
Maharashtra and Karnataka are the two states bordering Goa. Essential goods are brought in the state from these two. During the lockdown, these borders were completely sealed and police force, medical staff and senior officials were deployed to implement the restrictions.
Virology lab in Goa started
Goa government launched a virology laboratory after persuading central government, due to which instant test of potential Corona affected patients was possible. Before that, the medical samples of potential patients had to be sent to the laboratory in Pune. The delay in taking the decision was avoided with this facility now available in the state itself.