

Published : Mar 19, 2020, 8:03 PM IST

Updated : Mar 19, 2020, 10:23 PM IST

ETV Bharat / bharat

COVID-19: PM Modi calls for 'Janta Curfew' on March 22

PM urges 'Janata Curfew' to stop infection spread
PM urges 'Janata Curfew' to stop infection spread

20:30 March 19

PM on economic task force

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the formation of a COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force led by Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman to deal with the situation arising out of novel coronavirus outbreak.

"Keeping in mind the economic challenges arising out of the coronavirus epidimic, the government has decided to constitute COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force led by the Finance Minister. This task force will  ensure that all steps are taken to reduce the economic difficulties and execute them effectively," Modi said in his address to the nation.

He said that the task force will remain in regular touch with all stakeholders, take their feedback and make decisions accordingly.

PM has also asked people to avoid panic buying and said they should not hoard essential items like food and medicine. 

He also made a fervent appeal to all Indians to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid getting infected by coronavirus, saying the world has never seen a danger as grave as this.

20:22 March 19

PM calls for Italian style of defiance from countrymen

PM calls for Italian style of defiance from countrymen

"The curfew for the people by the people will also include a tribute to frontline workers involved in fighting the COVID-19 virus. People should come to their balconies and clap and sing in a touching tribute," PM Modi said.  

20:17 March 19

PM urges 'Janta Curfew' to stop infection spread

PM urges 'Janta Curfew' to stop infection spread

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a fervent appeal to all Indians to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid getting infected by coronavirus, saying the world has never seen a danger as grave as this.

He called for 'Janta curfew' on March 22 from 7 am-9 pm, saying no citizen, barring those in essential services, should get out of house.

"Even World War I and II did not affect as many countries as coronavirus has done," Modi said in a national broadcast.

Asking people to sacrifice "some weeks of yours, some time of yours", Modi said given that coronavirus has no cure yet, the only way to stay safe is to stay indoors.

"I request all people in country to get out of house only when it is extremely necessary, try and do all work from home," he said.  

20:17 March 19

PM Modi calls for social distancing in coming weeks

"Restraint is compulsory to protect ourselves and remain healthy. World is healthy when we are healthy. Social distancing is very necessary in present phase of coronavirus pandemic," he said.

"I request my countrymen that for coming weeks, they should go out of their homes only if essential," PM Modi said.

"All senior citizens above 65 years should not come out of their homes for coming few weeks," he added.  

20:05 March 19

It is necessary for every Indian to remain alert, need few weeks: PM Modi

PM Modi said that India cannot remain complacent while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and demanded a 'few weeks' from all the citizens.

"There are some countries who contained the number of infections by isolating its own citizens. The role of every citizen in this was very important," Modi said. 

18:57 March 19

COVID-19: PM Modi calls for 'Janta Curfew' on March 22

New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation on the situation arising out of coronavirus outbreak and the efforts to combat it. PM Modi had chaired a high-level meeting in previous days to review the ongoing efforts to contain COVID-19.

"Ways to further strengthen India's preparedness were discussed," the PMO later said in a tweet. 

Last Updated : Mar 19, 2020, 10:23 PM IST

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