New Delhi:Nearly 7 million children worldwide could suffer from acute malnutrition due to the unprecedented economic and health crisis caused by coronavirus pandemic, the Union Nations said in an analysis published on Tuesday.
According to the analysis, 80 % of these children would be from, sub-Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia.
"COVID-19 pandemic is undermining nutrition across the world particularly in low- and middle-income countries, with the worst consequences being borne by young children. More children and women are becoming malnourished due to the deteriorating quality of their diets, the interruption of nutrition services, and the shocks created by the pandemic," said heads of the four UN body - WHO, World Food Programme, UNICEF, and FAO, in the analysis published in The Lancet journal.
Pointing out that disruption in food supply chain has brought down the quality of children's diet, it said, "Household poverty and food insecurity rates have increased. Essential nutrition services and supply chains have been disrupted. Food prices have soared. As a result, the quality of children’s diets has gone down and malnutrition rates will go up."
While informing that children under the age of five would be worst-affected resulting in wasting among the young population, the report said that it is a life-threatening form of malnutrition, which makes children too thin and weak, and puts them at greater risk of dying poor growth, development and learning.