
Countries exchange ideas at COP14, hopes for its implementation


Published : Sep 4, 2019, 9:53 PM IST

Various countries approached at one single platform at 14th Conference of Parties to exchange ideas, decisions, and policies that will be implemented globally as per the requirement. With an estimated cost of 200 million Euros, the global project has altogether 11 projects in seven countries of which India is also a one.

Countries exchange ideas at COP14, hopes for its implementation

New Delhi:With land degradation becoming a global threat, various countries have converged at one single platform at the 14th Conference of Parties to fight against natural as well as man-made menace through different means and measures.

In this regard, while speaking to a news agency, Jutta Schmitz, advisor, sector project, soil conservation, desertification, sustainable land management said, "Germany is fighting drought, land degradation and erosion at different levels and ways. Currently, we through our global project is targeting to conserve and rehabilitate up to 800,000 hectors of land through sustainable land management which will increase the yield up to 37 per cent."

With an estimated cost of 200 million Euros, the global project has altogether 11 projects in seven countries of which India is also a one.

It support partners in soil conservation, political strategies and agricultural advisory services.

In addition, Schmitz said, "I think it is important for countries even though they had different conditions there are common approaches too such as land desertification and degradation where countries can learn from each other."

Similarly, Heruy Asghedom, DG, Agricultural Extension Department, Ministry of Agriculture, The state of Eritrea said, "We are in a serious condition. Govt has initiated soil and water conservation and water harvesting. In this regard, we are working very hard and it is the priority."

While asked on collaboration Ashedom said, "Many of the post-graduate students come from Eritrea to study agriculture here in India. It benefits us."

However, all agreed in saying that the most crucial challenge lies in moving from policies to implementations.

Caroline Galipeau, program coordinator, Land for Life, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification said "it is incredible to learn that countries are becoming more aware and is practising measure to fight against land degradation, desertification or erosion individually or in collaboration. COP14 is serving a great opportunity for dialogues. This is a good step in the right direction."

COP 14 is aiming for more exchange of ideas, decisions, and policies that will be implemented globally as per the requirement.

Issues on the COP14 agenda includes drought, land tenure, ecosystem restoration, climate change, health, sand and dust storms, cities of the future, financial investment, and the roles of youth, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

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