New Delhi: A doctor who was tested positive on June 26 while working at Babasaheb Ambedkar hospital in Delhi, is being treated at Sir Ganga Ram hospital and after 10 days in the private hospital, the family was given Rs. 6.5 lakh bill.
Dr Joginder's family has been charged more than the price decided by the Delhi government charge which is Rs. 6.5 lakh only for 10 days treatment.
While talking to ETV Bharat over the issue, Joginder's uncle Rameshwar Sangwan, Dr Chaudhary, who is posted as a nursing officer at Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital said that "On June 26, Joginder tested Coronavirus positive and initially, he was admitted to CCU in Ambedkar Hospital. After the X-ray was examined where it was reported that his chest had a high infection, he was admitted to LNJP Hospital on 27 June. His condition was deteriorated after which he had to be admitted to Ganga Ram Hospital. Here he was put on the ventilator."
He further said that Joginder family is already in debt and they didn't even have the money for the injection which was paid by the donation of resident doctors union.