Kolkata:West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar on Thursday targeted the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government alleging that policemen in the state are being made to perform political work by their seniors who are in decision-making positions in the force. Dhankhar said that democracy in Bengal is now under threat and human rights are being violated.
"I think administration and Police can't do political work, they can only be public servants. If someone thinks nothing can happen to them, then they have a huge misconception. However big an officer be, law is always above him. It is my duty to guard the law," he added.
Dhankar added, "I can't see democracy under threat in West Bengal. I can't tolerate human rights violations. Work of Police is a matter of concern. I express gratitude to common Policemen but the decision-makers above them are making them do political work."