New Delhi: Congress MP Ramya Haridas on Monday lodged a complaint with Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla that she was assaulted by a BJP woman MP inside the Lower House and sought immediate action over the matter.
BJP and Congress members pushed and shoved each other in Lok Sabha as opposition members vehemently protested over the issue of violence in Delhi and demanded the resignation of Home Minister Amit Shah.
"On March 2, at 3 PM, inside Lok Sabha, I was physically assaulted by MP Jaskaur Meena (BJP parliamentarian from Rajasthan)," Haridas said in her complaint.
In her complaint to Birla, she asked if such things were repeatedly happening to her because she was a Dalit and a woman. She sought action against the BJP MP.
Expressing his anguish over the scuffle between BJP and Congress members in Lok Sabha, Speaker Om Birla adjourned the House till Tuesday, saying he does not want to run it under such circumstances.