New Delhi: A day after National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval said that financial frauds have been increased exponentially due to greater dependence on digital payments, Congress took a dig at him by reminding him of demonetization, during which the Prime Minister himself asked the people of India to opt for digital platforms of payments.
While speaking to ETV Bharat, Congress spokesperson Gaurav Vallabh said, "What you are saying is the exact opposite to the statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. At one time, PM used to say that demonetization aims to promote digital payments. So, there is a clear contradiction in both the statements."
Congress spokesperson Gaurav Vallabh NSA made the statement while delivering a lecture on Cyber Security, on Friday, at COCONXIII-2020, asking the citizens to be cautious while being online. He said, "There is a greater dependence on digital payment platform due to reduced cash handling and greater data sharing is happening online and presence on social media has also increased."
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Reacting over his remarks, the Congress leader stated, "The primary reason for financial frauds in India is the 'Udaan Banking Scheme' under which various crony capitalists like Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi flew away after looting nation's money. Center had admitted to this fact that 38 crony capitalists left the country taking away India's money."
He further added, "From 2014 to 2019, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Financial institutions have lost Rs 3.60 lakh crores due to the frauds. This has never been done before since India got independence, but it happened in the last 6 years because of the trending 'Udaan Banking Scheme' of Government of India."
Doval, in his lecture also informed that there was an increase of 500 per cent in cybercrimes due to limited awareness and cyber hygiene.
Earlier today, Congress veteran leader and MP, Jairam Ramesh also attacked the Central Government over the matter, by tweeting, "First his Boss said Cashless. Then it became less cash. Now they say frauds increased with digital payments. Demonetization of 8th Nov 2016 was the biggest FRAUD in India's history!"
ALSO READ |Rise in financial frauds due to dependence on digital payment platforms: Ajit Doval