New Delhi: Congress party on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on Narendra Modi-led central government over the WhatsApp chats of Republic TV's editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami and former BARC CEO Partho Dasgupta saying that leaking official secrets of military operations is a "treason" and an "anti-national activity".
Congress' top senior leaders and former Union Ministers AK Antony, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Sushil Kumar Shinde and Salman Khurshid addressed a press conference, where they informed that party will raise this issue in the upcoming Parliament session, demanding an inquiry on the leaking of information pertaining to Balakot airstrike.
"Leaking official secret is a criminal act. Leaking information relating to military operations is treason, an anti-national activity. Whoever is responsible for this leakage must be punished. An enquiry should be done on a war footing. Those involved deserve no mercy," said ex-defence minister AK Antony.
Antony also stated that he is sure no military officer would leak such sensitive information to a journalist or the like, and only one of the civilians in the top positions of the Government could have been behind this.
Sushil Kumar Shinde informed that Congress is going to raise this matter in Parliament while asserting his confidence that an immediate enquiry will be conducted to punish the people involved.
Raising another concern, Ghulam Nabi Azad said, "In 2017, Arnab Goswami's channel bypassed the auction system put in place by Prasar Bharati to gain viewership on DD Free Dish. The channel did not pay the fee to book slots in the free DTH service with the help of Dish TV. This violation cost crores of Rupees to the public exchequer. However, the then I&B Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore buried the complaints against it."
Also Read:Arnab Goswami violated Official Secrets Act: Congress