Chennai: Beaten and bruised in the Bihar assembly elections, the Congress might face its repercussions in Tamil Nadu as well. With the Grand Old Party’s poor performance widely considered as having cost the RJD dearly, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), heading the secular combine in the southern state might have a rethink on keeping it in the alliance. Even if it retains the Congress as an ally, the Dravidian major could part with a lesser number of seats than the previous poll. A rudderless Congress slipping out of national reckoning would come under scrutiny by the DMK which is determined to stage a come back in 2021.
More so, the present Bihar election results are a re-enactment of what happened in Tamil Nadu in 2016. In that election, the Congress which contested 41 seats but could win in only eight of them, losing the remaining 33. This was a reason for the DMK's failure to dislodge the AIADMK-led by Jayalalithaa as the difference between the two parties was only around 1 percent. The waning electoral relevance of the national party has become a cause of serious concern for the DMK leadership as well as party functionaries. Earlier in 2011, the Congress entered the fray in 63 in alliance with the DMK but romped home only in 5.
Now, the Bihar assembly poll has put a huge question mark on the much-touted Congress revival in the Hindi heartland and the DMK had not lost sight of this.
“Congress needs to carry out a self-appraisal. The results of the Bihar election show that the party had to reorient itself,” says Rajya Sabha Member and DMK spokesperson TKS Elangovan.
However, party youth wing leader Udayanidhi Stalin maintained that each state election is different and hence the Bihar polls would not have any impact on the Congress in Tamil Nadu. “The dynamics of each state election are not the same. The Congress in Tamil Nadu is what it is and there is no cause for concern. The DMK alliance is intact and it will secure the people's mandate,” he told reporters at the airport here.