New Delhi: Thakur's attack came after Congress MP Ravneet Singh Bittoo, while delivering his speech on Motion of thanks to President's Address claimed that APMC mandis will be scrapped after the laws come into force. "If I'm talking about the first bill that the government brought, Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, under the clause 3 and 5: the bill will finish APMC mandis then the private Mandies will be established," he said.
MoS Thakur objected to Congress MP's claim and said, "he claimed that it is written in the bill that the mandis will be scrapped, we just want to understand under which clause it is mentioned that mandies will be scrapped?" In response, the Congress MP said that there is a tax on government mandis, but under the new laws no tax will be imposed on private mandis, so the APMC mandis will automatically end. Bittoo added that when a similar law was implemented in Bihar, "there were 9,035 APMC mandis in the state and today the state is left with only 1,619 mandis."
However, MoS Thakur again asked the Congress MP to verify his claims related to the abolition of APMC mandis, and said, "For their own political gains, Congress is misleading the House and the farmers by saying mandis will be abolished after the laws are implemented."