New Delhi:After eight opposition MPs of Rajya Sabha got suspended for the rest of the Monsoon session for their 'unruly behaviour' during the passage of farm bills, several videos of ruckus created in the house also got viral. However, Congress put the blame on 'circumstances' while alleging the Central Government of violating democratic norms of Parliament.
After a heated debate, Rajya Sabha passed the agriculture bills amid an uproar from opposition due to which some leaders started protesting within the House. In a video, TMC MP Derek O'Brien was seen charging towards the podium of Deputy Chairman, to show him rule book after which he even tore some official papers.
When asked about the matter, Congress General Secretary in-charge KC Venugopal said to ETV Bharat, "You have to verify the circumstances. The Government has violated the entire norms and procedures of the Parliamentary democracy before bulldozing this anti-farmer law. That is why there will be some genuine protests on the members part."
Also Read: Farm bills ruckus: TMC leaders tear official papers in RS, heckle presiding officer
Attacking Congress party over the matter, Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi shared a video in his tweet where Rajya Sabha MP Rajeev Satav is clearly being seen protesting while standing on a table in front of Deputy Speaker's podium. Naqvi tweeted, "Congress and company don't want discussion or division only disruption and confusion."