New Delhi: The Central Industrial Security Force on Sunday ordered an internal probe against one of its security officers associated with Chennai Airport for allegedly embarrassing the DMK Member of Parliament and former Tamil Nadu CM M Karunanidhi's daughter Kanimozhi.
As the officer questioned the legislator's nationality when Kanimozhi could not understand Hindi, the latter took up the issue on twitter which stormed the micro-blogging site.
According to Kanimozhi, when she was reaching the domestic terminal of Chennai International Airport to leave for New Delhi, she was interrupted by security check.
During the conversation, an officer from CISF had spoken to her in Hindi. However, Kanimozhi requested the officer to speak either in Tamil or English as she did not know Hindi.
"Today at the airport a CISF officer asked me if “I am an Indian” when I asked her to speak to me in Tamil or English as I did not know Hindi. I would like to know from when being Indian is equal to knowing Hindi," Kanimozhi tweeted before boarding into the flight.