New Delhi: The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has issued a set of new social media usage guidelines for its about 1.62 lakh personnel directing them to "disclose" their user IDs on all platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to the organisation.
The fresh guidelines issued on July 31 said that violators and defaulters of these rules will face "strict legal and disciplinary action".
The two-page guidelines are being issued in view of the "threat posed" by these online platforms to "national security and general discipline of the force", the order issued by the CISF headquarters here said.
The CISF is the national civil aviation security force guarding 63 airports of the country at present along with some of the most critical assets in the aerospace and nuclear domain apart from various government ministries and buildings.
As per the guidelines reviewed, they were issued as the force noticed instances where social media platforms "were used by the force personnel to share sensitive information about the nation/organisation and to criticise the policies of the government".
The new guidelines have five points to be followed by the CISF staffers: