New Delhi: The Election Commission on Friday said the "chunnu-munnu" remarks made by Kailash Vijayvargiya against Congress' Digvijaya Singh and Kamal Nath were in violation of the poll code provisions and advised the senior BJP leader not to use "any such word" in his public utterances during the model code period.
The commission had issued a notice to the BJP leader on October 26 seeking his reply.
According to the notice, the statement made in Sanwer, Indore, during an election rally on October 14 against the two was found to be in violation of the provisions of the model code.
The BJP leader had also dubbed them as gaddar or traitors.
Bypolls to 28 Madhya Pradesh Assembly seats will be held on November 3 for which campaigning is on
In his response, Vijayvargiya said the remarks quoted in the notice are in a complete misunderstanding of its context.