New Delhi:Taking a dig at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the former Union minister P Chidambaram on Friday said even after winning the Bihar Assembly elections, decline in BJP's performance after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections is visible.
"Even after the Bihar Assembly elections, the decline in BJP's performance after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections is visible and significant," he tweeted.
"On the contrary, in 2019 the BJP had won 392 segments. As I have pointed out the MGB lost to the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) by a whisker of 0.03 per cent," Chidambaram said in a subsequent tweet.
On the issue of Bihar results, he further said, "The elections turned on 8 seats. If the Mahagathbandhan had won 8 more seats, the result would have been 118 to 117 (instead of 110 to 125) Significantly, the HAM (Hindustan Awam Morcha) and VIP (Vikassheel Insaan Party) won 8 seats!"