Raipur:The South East Central Railway (SECR) created history on Tuesday by amalgamating three freight trains as one unit. Taking a big leap in reducing the transit time, the three loaded trains (carrying more than 15,000 tonnes) ran successfully in an 'Anaconda' formation through Bilaspur and Chakradharpur division.
Taking it to Twitter, Ministry of Railways, said, "Taking a big leap in reducing the transit time of freight trains, Bilaspur division of SECR broke yet another frontier by joining & running 3 loaded trains (more than 15000 tonnes) in 'Anaconda' formation through Bilaspur & Chakradharpur divisions."
The Railways ran 177 loaded wagons with three freight trains clubbed together on a busy route with cargo value more than worth Rs one crore. The 'Anaconda formation' ran at a speed of 60 kmph in a record time of 2 hours and 15 minutes.