Chennai (Tamil Nadu):To avoid movement of people during coronavirus lockdown, the Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday launched mobile vegetables and fruits outlets and delivery through online aggregators like Swiggy to help people get essentials at their door steps.
Additionally, the Greater Chennai Corporation announced it would soon launch 7,000 mobile outlets to vend groceries and vegetables in the city through 5,000 tricycles and 2,000 light cargo trucks.
About 50 vans are all set to be used to cater to the people, the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) said adding the vehicles would carry 18 kinds of vegetables and eight varieties of fruits everyday. The number of vehicles will be increased based on requirements.
The supplies were being made from the Koyambedu wholesale vegetable, fruits and flower market here, one of the biggest in Asia and run by the Market Management Committee under the CMDA.
"The Resident Welfare Associations (with 25 or more households) can order through phone or by registering in the official CMDA website to get mobile services," the development authority said.
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Arrangements have been made to handover vegetable-fruit packs to people through online food delivery aggregators - Swiggy, Zomato and Dunzo- and public will get the supplies at the price fixed by the MMC, the CMDA said.