New Delhi: Union Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Thursday directed states to cover visually impaired people as beneficiaries under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and ensure supply of 35 kg subsidised foodgrains per family.
The directive has been issued after taking serious note of the Delhi High Court order that said visually impaired people are kept outside the ambit of AAY category under the National Food Security Act (NFSA).
The AAY beneficiaries are the poorest of the poor and continue to get a higher monthly quota of 35 kg foodgrains per family via ration shops when compared to other beneficiaries who get a monthly quota of 5 kg per person under the NFSA.
"I have taken serious note of the Delhi High Court order. Visually impaired people are part of AAY. I have given all states a direction to cover them as beneficiaries and ensure they get their monthly quota," Paswan told Media.
It is the responsibility of state governments to identify AAY and priority household beneficiaries for providing ration cards, he said. "At any cost, the states should not exclude AAY category people," Paswan said.