New Delhi:The CBI on Saturday filed a charge sheet against Hilal Rather, son of former Jammu and Kashmir minister Abdul Rahim Rather, in connection with a Rs 177-crore bank fraud scam within 10 days of taking over the case, officials said.
In the charge sheet filed before Special Court in Jammu, the CBI has also named the then branch heads of Jammu & Kashmir Bank, New University Campus branch Iqbal Singh and Arun Kapoor as accused, they said.
A special investigation team is probing the case, earlier investigated by the Anti Corruption Bureau of the UT, since the CBI registered the FIR on March 4 on the request of Union Territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir, they said.
The CBI has alleged that Hilal Rather entered into a criminal conspiracy with the then officials of the Bank to get loans of Rs 177.68 crore (approx) in violation of rules and guidelines.