New Delhi: After nearly three years of the probe, the CBI has filed a charge sheet against four police personnel of Haryana for allegedly framing a bus conductor in the killing of a seven-year-old student of a private school in Gurugram in September 2017, officials said on Friday.
The student was killed on September 8 allegedly by a senior student.
The CBI filed its supplementary charge sheet in the case, commonly known as the Ryan murder case, before a special CBI court in Panchkula against the then SHO of Bhondsi police station Narender Singh Khatana, Sub-Inspector Shamsher Singh, ASI Subhash Chand and ACP (Sohna) Barem Singh.
They were charged under IPC sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 166A (disobeying directions under law), 167 (Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury), 330 (Police officer torturing someone to confess a crime) and 506 (criminal intimidation), officials said.
A Class 2 student, named Prince by the court to protect his identity, was found near the toilet of the school with his throat slit on September 8 morning within an hour of his father leaving him at the school.
The local police had arrested bus conductor Ashok Kumar of the school and shown recovery of a knife from him claiming it to be the murder weapon.
The police had claimed solving the heinous crime quickly and put the blame on the conductor who was also paraded before the media by senior officials of Gurugram police.