New Delhi:The Union Health Ministry on Friday said that before lockdown, COVID-19 cases were doubling in three days but the last 7 days' data shows that it is doubling in 6.2 days and in 19 states and Union Territories, the case doubling rate is less than the country's average.
At the daily press briefing, Joint Secretary, Health, Lav Agarwal said the reduction in the doubling rate is the product of the management of the health crisis at the field level. He said that 5 lakh rapid antibody test kits are being distributed to states, which are burdened with a high number of positive cases.
He also added that the growth factor in the new cases has declined by 40 percent. The decline in the growth rate is concluded from the data from April 1 to mid April, which recorded 1.2 per cent growth rates, as compared to 2.1 per cent from March 15 to March 30.
Meanwhile, there were 1,007 fresh COVID-19 cases, and 23 deaths in last 24 hours.